
Nibblemancy - a cooking and baking wizard subclass for 5e

Created by Steve Conley

Your guide to cooking up magical trouble! Plus new recipes, spells, items, and creatures!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Nibblemancy progress! A few updates and another stretch goal bonus coming to inboxes...
18 days ago – Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 12:41:46 PM

Thank you for your patience as I've been working on Nibblemancy. It really has become the most complex of my subclass books so far.

Because of the changing 5E landscape (I've had my ToV books for a while but just got my 2024 PHB 10 days ago), I've been working to 'bulletproof' the subclass as best I can. It has meant—for the first time in any of my subclass books— I'm including the class leveling chart and basic information such as how to calculate your Nibblemancer's spell save DC. 

It's also meant juggling the page layout a LOT and cramming more into the book but so far so good. I'm now looking to have the completed PDF your way in the middle of October. I really hope all the extra work will be evident and that you'll find it worth the wait!

Apart from the Nibblemancy PDF, all the other PDFs and STLs should be delivered. (Please email me at [email protected] or message me here on Kickstarter if you haven't received your emailed instructions).

One PDF which will be sent shortly is the unlocked stretch-goal bonus of The Middle Age Volume One graphic novel. Keep an eye on your Kickstarter messages for the download instructions. 

Thanks again for supporting Nibblemancy! I'm working hard to make sure it'll be great!

-- Steve

Nibblemancy update! Minis! DriveThruRPG!
about 1 month ago – Mon, Sep 09, 2024 at 02:01:42 PM

Hi! Production on Nibblemancy is going really well. As I mentioned, I've been going through and editing/reviewing/rewriting elements to make sure everything works with 5E2014 and also takes into account the new variants that have been rolling out. I'm trying to bulletproof a few things so that the Nibblemancy you receive has the best chance of working for years. <3

I feel good about how it's coming together! I just wish I were faster :)

Some more updates...

STL FILES: The last of the STL file emails should have gone out today. If you didn't receive yours, pop me a note. 

PDFs of Previous books:
The PDFs of intoximancy, Death Dealing, and The Prayer's Handbook have 90% shipped out. I made this more complicated than it needed to be (I personalized the coupon codes by groups of customers instead of by products). I have a few more to go including The Middle Age graphic novels. If you haven't received yours yet, keep an eye on your email!

Nibblemancy will be delivered via my site AND NOW (thanks, Carl) via DriveThruRPG as well! I don't want to use DriveThruRPG exclusively as I don't want to require backers to create another account with a 3rd party to get their books but offering both options seems like the best of both worlds.

I know that some of you may use a different email addresses with your DriveThruRPG account than you do with Backerkit or Kickstarter so we can sort that out when the Nibblemancy PDFs start delivering! As of now, previous volumes are only available for backers to download from my site.

I received photos from the manufacturer and they look like they've done a wonderful job! I'll share additional photos when they arrive here.

Thank you all for your patience! 

As a one-person shop, I'm working to make sure everything looks amazing and is delivered as quickly as I can!

Folks have asked what my next RPG project will be and, as I've told them, Nibblemancy first! :)

I can't wait for you to get your loot! 

— Steve

Backerkit orders locked, digital rewards, subclass features, and thinking about all flavors of 5E
2 months ago – Mon, Aug 05, 2024 at 10:57:41 AM

Hello, Nibblemancers!

Progress on Nibblemancy is going great and I wanted to update you all.

Backerkit orders are locked!

First up, thanks to everyone who responded to their Backerkit surveys. Last week, you likely saw a "Lock order" message from Backerkit which helps set the final totals for production of physical items. If you added loot to your Backerkit order, your cards will be charged this week. 

For the 22 of you who haven't responded to your surveys, please check your emails for the survey link or reach out to me and I'll re-send the link your way! :)

Digital add-ons going out!

With orders finalized and surveys answered, digital add-ons are going out! If you ordered my previously-published PDFS or any STLs, you should be getting download instructions sent your way this week! This includes anyone whose pledge included the Nibblemancer STL.

Nibblemancer subclass level 6 feature and a question: what is edible?

The Nibblemancer subclass ("arcane tradition") features are pretty much locked down and edits are being made. One feature in particular is a lot of fun...

“Bon Appétit: When you cast a leveled spell which has an edible material component (or components), if you consume the edible material component(s) as part of casting, targeted creatures have disadvantaged imposed on the spell’s saving throw. This only works if all of the spells material components are consumed.”

I love that this affects all sorts of spells like Dragon's Breath (eating a hot pepper), Slow (a drop of molasses)  and Insect Plague (a few grains of sugar, some kernels of grain, and a smear of fat - I'm pretty sure that's a granola bar). This effect is a lot like the disadvantage imposed by the Instrument of the Bards when applied to charm spells.

Now, I'm certain that the digestibility of some material components are dubious at best (looking at you, cocoon) and I suspect all sorts of fun can be had accounting for mechanical mages, warforged wizards, and sorcerous cyborgs. I leave that to players and their dungeon masters - though I'm happy to weigh in! :)

This is the perfect opportunity for power-gamers to figure out which species have the optimal digestive systems. :) 

Cooking for the various flavors of 5E...

As you may have seen, the new 2024 Players Handbook is being discussed all over YouTube and some lucky attendees of GenCon even got their hands on a copy. And plenty of other 5E spinoffs are entering the marketplace: Tales of the Valiant, Nimble5E, etc.

Among the changes in the new, official Players Handbook is that the levels at which subclass features kick in have been standardized across all classes. So, according to D&D 2024, every subclass' perks start at level 3 and additional perks are likely also to be standardized as characters progress in levels. (If I had to bet, WotC's digital team begged the game designers for this to make programing their future digital offerings a whole lot easier.)

Now, keep in mind, Nibblemancy is technically designed for 5E2014 and the associated 5.1 SRD... that said, I want to future-proof my books as best I can.

Thanks to the explosion of 5E variants, this subclass specifically states the leveling process for the sake of flavor and fun and clarity. Nibblemancy was always going to do this to some degree because at level 1, a Nibblemancer uses Constitution instead of Intelligence as their spellcasting ability. This is something which can't wait and without which a Nibblemancer might not live to see level 2. 

In the end, asserting independence amidst the changes and variations will give us indie designers and those of us interested in outside-the-box material more flexibility. I think it's a very good - and fun - thing! 

Moving ahead...

With orders locked, minis and other bonus items will be manufactured. I'm on track to deliver the Nibblemancy PDF this month and I'll begin shipping zines and hardcovers as soon as they come back from the printer.

Thank you again for your amazing support!

I can't wait for you to get your loot!

-- Steve

(And there's still time to be thanked by name in the Nibblemancy books if you become a Patreon supporter at )

Surveys are on their way and a shopping cart note.
4 months ago – Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 08:35:07 AM

A very quick update...

Yesterday, the big batch of backer surveys were sent out from Backerkit!

If you added the Nibblemancer STL to your Kickstarter pledge...

There is a glitch where Nibblemancer STLs added to pledges in Kickstarter are appearing as Intoximancer STLs in Backerkeit's shopping cart. This is almost certainly my fault for misclicking something when importing the data.  I'll be sure to send everyone their correct STLs and when the Backerkit support team come back from the Fourth of July holiday, I'll see if they can help me make that fix more visible in everyone's cart. (Thanks to Elizabeth and Andrew for calling this to my attention.)

Thank you again for your amazing support and please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!

-- Steve

Backer surveys are coming! Nibblemancy previews are incoming!
4 months ago – Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 04:09:59 PM

Work is going very well on Nibblemancy. I'm looking forward to sharing more previews as the book and other loot come together!

I've been keeping an eye on all the news from Wizards of the Coast and their 2024 update to 5e. I was hopeful when I saw this on Twitter...

I know most of us will be playing D&D 5E-2014 (and spin-offs like Tales of the Valiant) for a while so I knew my RPG books will continue to work but I'm doubly excited to know that they may work very well with the refreshed line of D&D books.

Future 5E projects

A few of you have asked and yes, I'll continue to be making 5E subclasses and content. I'll keep on using the latest 5.1 SRD and when WotC releases a new SRD for the 2024 update (as they've promised to), I'll likely incorporate those changes. 

Backer surveys!

I expect to send the first batch of backer surveys out next week. Keep an eye out for an email with a link to your backer survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since I'll need this info to know where to send your loot!

According to Backerkit: "When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts."

As soon as the surveys come back, the first things I'll be shipping out will be the digital rewards like PDFs and STLs.

And there are just days left...

The Kickstarter campaign collecting my webcomic The Middle Age ends on Wednesday! If you want to read the "Monty Python meets The Princess Bride" comics which inspired Intoximancy and Nibblemancy, you can check out that campaign here:

Two stretch goals we are close to unlocking feature art from legendary Dungeons & Dragons and Villains and Vigilantes artist Jeff Dee and from Mouse Guard creator David Petersen.

Thanks again for your amazing support! I can't wait for you to get your books (and aprons and minis!) :) 

-- Steve